This Self-Questionnaire is a great way to help narrow down where some sources of anxiety and worry may be coming from. After answering a handful of questions about your day and how you feel, you will be presented with personalized resources available in Ellis County that could offer help. This is in no way an official diagnosis for any mental health disorders, but can definitely help lead you to the right path.

A Personal Story:

Many people go to places like the Kelly Center & High Plains Mental Health. This includes one of the team members who helped bring forth this questionnaire addition to the website, Alex. He has been going to the Kelly Center to help cope and manage his stress and anxiety from a recent breakup, final classes in college, and near full-time work. He has been making steady progress increasing his mental health and has used his experiences to help the team create a better mental health resource for people around the world to use on this website.

Here are some of the suggestions that Alex has been following from the Kelly Center have been: Writing down his thoughts in a journal every day, meditate along with the Smiling Mind mobile application (Apple Link/Android Link), tracking his sleep, and enjoying hobbies during his free time. He continues to see the Kelly Center once a week where he is reminded that any progress, no matter how small, is still progress.